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Microsoft Excel 2016 Basics - WebEx - Live Video Conference

Microsoft Excel 2016 Basics
Monday, April 15, 2019 
WebEx - Live Video Conference - 9:00am-10:30am
Jimmy Scarbrough of JHS Consulting
Credit:  1.5 hours of AHEC and SCNA
Registration Fee:  Free, but registration is required

Click here to download flyer

Click here to register: https://www.scahec.net/SCHOOLS/Registration/ProgramDetails.aspx?PID=2459

Program Description: This is a course that is a scaled-down version of a standard Intro to Excel 2016 course. There will be practice exercises conducted for hands-on learning experience. This course will cover the following:

  1. The Excel Worksheet screen components. 
  2. The Ribbon, which contains many icons representing important Excel functions.
  3. The Backstage View, which is the administrative/settings section of Excel.
  4. Basic data entry into cells are discussed and explored using numbers and text.
  5. Formatting controls which are used to change the look of the data.
  6. Four formula commands: SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN and how to use these formulas with a data table.

Event Date: 

Monday, 15 April 2019 - 9:00am to 10:30am