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Create an Account

It's easy!


Click on "View Calendar" and then choose which class you want to participate in. Next,  click "next" and enter in your information. Make sure everything is filled out, choose "create" and if it is a good username/password then you can click "I agree" and "register" and it'll take you to your new Mid-Carolina AHEC account as well as register you for that course. 


On your account you can:

  • View your upcoming classes
  • View your history of classes
  • View past payments made and pending payments
  • Get your presentations/handouts for your upcoming class
  • Get your certificate once you've taken the required survey

Once you register, administration will get your email. Your email (primary/spam) will be where you receive any information regarding the course. This includes webinar login information, cancellation updates, etc.

Event Date: 

Wednesday, 2 September 2020 - 11:15am