The program will prepare the learner to successfully pass the CEN exam. There will be a review of studies regarding certification and patient outcomes which reveal a connection between certification and decreased patient infection rates; quality outcomes for patients; higher patient satisfaction rates and higher nurses’ salaries.
Date: December 2-3, 2020
Time: 8:00am-4:30pm each day
Speaker: Pam Bartley BSN, RN, CEN, TCRN, CCRN, CFRN, CTRN, CPEN
Location: SCHA William L. Yates Conference Center, 1000 Center Point Rd., Columbia, SC 29210
Fee: Consortium Member: $50
Non-Consortium Member: $200
Credit: 14.0 hours AHEC and Nursing
Event Date:
Wednesday, 2 December 2020 - 8:00am to Thursday, 3 December 2020 - 4:30pm