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BLS Provider Course

BLS Provider Course  
Date:           Friday, July 19, 2019   
Time:          1:00pm - 4:00pm
Mid-Carolina AHEC Training Room

1824 Hwy #9 By-Pass West
Lancaster, SC 29720
(803) 286-4121

Instructor(s):     Julie Ghent, AHA Training Center Coordinator

The BLS instructor–led course teaches both single-rescuer and team basic life support skills for application in both       pre-hospital and in-facility environments, with a focus on High-Quality CPR and team dynamics.                          

Cost:           $40.00 (Registration fee includes class and card) Registration fee does not include BLS student book. 
ee list of authorized dealers and workbook item number below to order workbook prior to class.
yment is due prior to class.  You may pay by check, money order or PayPal. 

                    To register online using PayPal, access our website at www.midcarolinaahec.org

To register by mail, send payment to:

Mid-Carolina AHEC
Attention:  Julie Ghent
PO Box 2049
Lancaster, SC 29721

Authorized Dealers:    If you are ordering your own materials
Channing Bete              www.channing-bete.com
Laerdal                         www.laerdal.com
World Point ECC           www.worldpoint.com

Description            Item Number    Price
BLS Student Book   #15-1010         $13.25

Event Date: 

Friday, 19 July 2019 - 1:00pm to 4:00pm