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12 Lead EKG Interpretation

12 Lead EKG Interpretation
Monday, February 18, 2019 - 9:00am-4:30pm
Springs Memorial Hospital, Marion Sims Theater, 800 W. Meeting Street, Lancaster, SC 29720
Carolyn Gilliam, RN, MN, CCRN-K

Click here to download flyer 

TARGET AUDIENCE:  Monitor Technicians and Nurses

This program will go beyond the basics in Electrocardiography.  The course will cover the following objectives and provide the learner with many opportunities for practice.
-  Review leads.
-  Review normal 12 lead ECG.
-  Review axis determination.
-  Discuss axis deviation criteria.
-  Examine criteria for intraventricular conduction delays and bundle branch block.
-  Discuss the ECG appearance of chamber enlargement.
-  Review criteria for VT.
-  Explore other sources for wide complex tach.

-  Review infarction by ECG.
-  Explore the appearance of electrolyte and other abnormalities by ECG.

NURSING:   Mid-Carolina AHEC, Inc. is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the South Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver with distinction, by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.  This program, approval #1510-040-PR-376 is approved for 6.0 hours.
AHEC: This program is approved for 0.6 CEU’s (6.0 clock hours) of continuing education by Mid-Carolina AHEC, Inc. and meets the SC AHEC Best Practice Standards. 
Participants must attend 90% of the program in order to receive a certificate of attendance. No partial credit will be given.

Fee waived for Hospital Consortium member when registered through Staff Development Director. 

REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  February 11, 2019 or until classroom capacity is reached.

REGISTRATION/CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICY:  Registrations are accepted until class is filled. Registration assures placement, materials and notification if class is canceled. Registration is not complete until money is received along with the registration form.  Written cancellation received two (2) weeks prior to the program date will result in a 50% refund.  Cancellations received later than two weeks prior to the program, or failure to attend the program, are not refundable.  

Event Date: 

Monday, 18 February 2019 - 9:00am to 4:30pm